petek, 15. februar 2013



Parallel with the maturing of the luminous body that followed lives of hundreds of human
generations, another luminous body matures. This body was created from the yellow core of
the person, as a consequence of its exceptional development during the person’s life. After
both luminous bodies have matured the enlightened person can regulate his or her length of
life so that it can actialize all the programs it thought of regarding the development of the
human civilization. After their biological life is over, both luminous bodies go to places of
power where all the mature luminous bodies have been gathering for thousands of years.
The difference between the first and the second luminous body is that the first one originates
from the spark emitted by Christ’s energy and it developed gradually, following hundreds of
human lives, until it reached maturity. Once it matures, it does not need to follow human lives
any longer, and it does not take over human embryos any more.
“The second luminous body was created as a result of a person’s exceptional development
during the person’s life. It represents, just like the first body does, the knowledge of the
universe, but at the same time it is the conscious or the soul of the person. After his biological
death, the conscious continues to ponder. His soul continues to live without the physical body
in the shape of energy that the mature luminous body consists of. Gathering of mature
luminous bodies at the places of power and their millennial stay there is a phase in reaching
the big goal. Their role is to assist the development of persons who come to visit the places of
power by imbuing with the luminous body of the visitor, thus transferring onto him the amount
of knowledge it is capable of receiving. It will stay at the places of power all until luminous
bodies of most people on earth mature. Once it has achieved it there is no need for the
process of creating mature luminous bodies and it is terminated. That is when th

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