petek, 15. februar 2013


The work of the luminous body has a number of different directions, thus paving our way
through life, and above all, strengthening our creativity. Although it shows us the best path we
have to follow, the final choice is up to us. It sends us messages, but not with its voice. They
reach our mind by paranormal ways, and, because this is so, our mind only partially deciphers
them to us. Which part of the full quantity of messages sent is to be translated from the
paranormal onto the normal level, depends to a great extent on the sensitivity of a person, as
well as the person’s mental and physical state. The luminous body is our spiritual creator and
guide throughout our entire life. But, our death is not its death, too. It continues to live its
eternal life. However, after the person it guided dies, it has to find another human embryo
within 49 days. If it does not succeed in it, its final term is 60 days. It will, in the same manner,
as in the previous case, follow the development of a new being, until its death, and then it has
to find another child. And so they change lives of hundreds of people, one after another, until
the luminous body, which once was a spark, reaches its ripe age.
Is there a connection with the luminous body even after we die? And is there a connection
among those hundreds of people it changes during its development? After we die, our soul, or
our conscious, as a separate energy structure, consisted of the white bioenergy, which have
during our lives been an integral part of our aura, remains alive for a very long time, unless it
is damaged. But, our complete life is integrated within the memory of the luminous body -
everything that had happened to us, all the thoughts, wishes, all the experiences, and all the
knowledge we gained. When the luminous body breaths the conscious into the new embryo, it
recreates us, only this time in some other body, for our had to die due to its limited life span.
But this newborn baby is not aware, nor will it be when it grows up, that it is the continuation of
some else’s life, and this person, as a rule, is neither his deceased father nor mother, nor any
other relative. This ‘predecessor’ can be of any gender, nationality, race, religion, from any
part of the globe.
This reminds of metamorphoses that a butterfly goes through, when it hatches from an egg as
a caterpillar, which at the end of its life becomes a cocoon, within which it gradually changes,
and becomes a butterfly eventually. Once it leaves the cocoon, it is not aware it was alive in
another shape. The caterpillar, although it ceases to exist in its shape, does not die, it shall
live as a butterfly, but it shall not be aware of it.  Instead, it will consider that its life terminates
in the cocoon.

Our parents have a task of creating our body in this life and to ensure our undisturbed mental
and physical development by giving us love and sacrificing themselves for our sake. In this
manner they insert a part of their being into us, it is also our task to do the same for our
children. However, our real predecessor, and not our parents, is, according to the luminous
body, the one person who lived before us, maybe on a completely opposite part of the world
from our own, maybe it was of a different gender from ours, different color of skin and of other
religion. Therefore, all the lives followed by our luminous body are not the lives of different
people, they are our lives, only in different bodies, which lived in different points in time. The
luminous body follows our life for thousands of years.

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