sobota, 16. februar 2013


How was the Earth created? There are a number of hypotheses by science, but neither of
them is correct. Only one person, who was enlightened 32000 years ago in Australia was told
the story of how the Earth had been created. People could not write then, and this person
could not pass this knowledge to his disciples, so it went to the grave along with him.
The Earth was created in the following way: One particle in the universe that was going
through a cloud of cosmic dust started attracting new particles; this new and bigger mass
attracted even more particles that continued sticking to it. As it grew, this mass attracted more
and more particles. This process lasted for about 300 million years and the Earth grew to be
the tenth of its present size. Then a comet passed by it and pulled it along, incorporating it in
its tail. In the tail the mass of the Earth grew to one sixth of its present size (in the same
manner as it had done in the cloud of dust). Then, because it grew so much it could not follow
the comet’s speed, as it was passing by a large celestial body it gradually left the tail of the
comet. It even attracted one part of the tail. This upper layer that was gained from the comet
was white hot, while the core was considerably cold.
Then it floated into a sea of meteors and followed it for 400 million years. During that period it
grew to 95% of its present size, because it attracted the meteors with its force of gravity.
Because it got heavier, and because it was attracted by some other celestial bodies it
gradually left the sea of meteors and followed a certain course for around ten million years. It
passed by the Sun on this course. The Sun attracted it with its mass and only due to the
enormous speed the Earth was moving it did not crash into it, but attracted a certain amount
of the Sun’s hot gasses that encompassed it. By and by, it became permanently attracted by
the Sun’s gravity, and made a great ellipse and passed by the Sun after 200 years. This
ellipse became smaller and smaller, it became steady in the following 40 million years, and it still follows the same course. The entire stay  of the earth in the solar system is one billion
eight hundred thousand years. The Earth’s diameter, since it had left the sea of meteors until
today has grown for only one percent, because of the inflow of matter from the outer space.
However, because the central core expanded, the diameter was extended for another three or
four per cent. The inner layer of the Earth that was created by the fall of the meteors, and that
is situated 100 to 400 kilometers under the surface of the Earth, is full of hollows that are
constantly filled with the melted matter from the core. When those hollows change shape or
when they fall in, they cause earthquakes and volcanoes. This is the Earth’s history

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