sobota, 16. februar 2013


In the process of organizing the work of the universe, many a time has the Creator concluded
that certain energies, regardless of the existing programs, start creating their own programs
that gradually distanced them from the programs given to them by him. There were many
such energies in the universe, and the danger from such deviations was growing with the
importance of the energies for the functioning of the universe, especially the global energies.
The Creator has solved the problem by creating an energy that only supervises the newly
created programs, which energies have the right and capacities to create, based on the
Creator's original program. Such programs, however, cannot deviate in any case from the
basic Creator's programs. This energy was checking and then correcting each deviation of the
new, special programs of energies in the universe, and in the case of their deviations, it was
harmonizing them with the Creators original program. In this way there were no such
deviations since the first third of the age of the universe.
This energy is situated approximately in the center of the universe and it sends impulses in all
directions to constantly check and search new programs of all the energies in the universe. If
a deviation occurs, this energy emits a super-intelligent correcting beam that has contact with
this energy field all until secondary programs harmonize it with the Creator's programs. This
sometimes happen within seconds, and sometimes it takes a couple of days or weeks to
remove such deviations from the program, and harmonize it with the Creator's. This energy is
the Program Correction Energy and is very important in the universe and the need for it will
never cease, as long as there is the universe.
This energy can be useful to the humanity, especially in regards to its development in
harmony with the Creator's way. The Correcting Energy can be used to harmonize people's
thoughts with the Creator's way. The activity of this energy would be to check the thoughts of
each person and correct the thoughts that are not in harmony with the Creator's will. This
would gradually influence the changes in the way people think, because the program of
thinking is changed and the person's way of thinking is harmonized with the Creator's will.
Such corrections are very important and they can be actualized by the persons with highly
developed paranormal powers in many ways.This would be a contribution and assistance in the process initiated by the "greatest of
powers" that you use from some other side and with another approach, but with the same
goal, which will enhance the speed of the process that you have initiated.
There is also the possibility, but you still do not have enough power for it, for the creation of a
pendant or a product that could be placed upon a wall, similar to the "Home Guardian" that
would harmonize the thoughts of the people using it, or who are in the same room with the
Creator's will.

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