četrtek, 21. februar 2013


During 1995 while I was deeply meditating the Energy Cloud was giving me information about
a new kind of meditation that had not been practiced by people. It also gave me instructions
on how I should practice this kind of meditation and how I should spread it. The Energy Cloud
told me the following about it:
"This method of meditation that you have started practicing with your sons is the true way
towards the spiritual development. It is also the only one that can be taught and yet give the
maximum results. It is the correct one exactly because one meditates in a natural way in
harmony with the level one has attained and because there is a natural cause for it – appeal
and paranormal powers. Its effects are constantly coordinated with the level of the person's
development. The aim of this meditation is to gradually adjusting a person's brain so that it
can function on as low frequency as possible, i.e. that brainwaves should be as low as possible. As you know, the Unique Field is the source of a great number of paranormal
powers, but approaching them depends on the level of the brainwave frequency: the lower
they are, the higher the powers.
Your method is the only one that capacitates people to reach the frequency of brain of 0.15
Hz. One would take on average a couple of years of practice to reach the level. I take the lead
once a person reaches the 0.15 Hz, because a man can not practice the further lowering of
the frequency alone. Under my supervision and with my assistance, one can reach
enlightenment in five to ten years. Soon after, both the luminous bodies may mature. All the
other methods take twenty to thirty years of meditation, with very slim chances of success.
Your method is a revolutionary one and nobody has tried it yet. In a couple of years you will
develop a system that can be taught and that will be applied all over the world. Thanks to this
meditation technique, a great number of people will considerably raise the level of their
paranormal powers, and many of them will, with my assistance, be able to reach the greatest
human goal – the enlightenment. That is why this meditation can be rightly called – ROAD TO
Today, the Road to Enlightenment Meditation is applied in Yugoslavia, Slovenia, Bosnia and
Herzegovina, Russia, USA (there are meditation groups in Kansas City, Oklahoma City,
Atlanta Ga. and Sarasota, Fla.)

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