sobota, 16. februar 2013


By creating energies with special characteristics, as well as creating the inanimate and
animate matter, the Creator has made the contents of the activities in the universe in such a
way that it functions as an immensely complex organism but with all of the various and
numerous elements working in perfect synchronicity.
The Creator has designed special energies in order to solve certain special problems, and
they can be very interesting to people because their features can be used to solve many of
their problems.
One of such energies is the energy that makes contact and keeps it constant between the two
global and everlasting energies such as the Christ Energy and Space Energy. As we know,
these two energies imbue the entire universe including the auras and bodies of humans.
However, due to their different features, these energies can exist at the same place at the
same time without having any contacts between themselves. But, these two energies have to
be in contact so that they can synchronize certain mutual activities and have full effects in the
end. In order to ensure this contact in all possible conditions, the Creator has thought of
connective energies that would do this job perfectly well and safe.
One of these energies, let's call it Connective Energy #1, has the following features that may
be interesting to people: it enters energy fields of global energies with ease, and establishes
good contacts with each one, although their features are quite different. So, this energy has

the capacity to adapt to the energy it chooses and establish such connections with it so that
one can almost not notice the transfer from one energy to another.
Its capacity to adapt extremely easy can be used for many purposes:
in order to connect the two energy fields;
to transfer information from one energy center to another;
to transfer one energy into the field of another (which is its main task), as much as the other
energy is interested in it.
These three features can be used in many cases so that humans and the earth could be
helped, not only for the healing work but in other spheres too. The connective energy can
secure the transfer of healing components of some supreme energies of the universe such as
the healing component of the Christ Energy, Space Energy and Energy of the Holy Spirit. As
each of these energies is super-intelligent and spiritual, the contact with them can be achieved
only through an appeal sent by the person of high paranormal capacities. The duration of such
a connection can be set to "until the healing of a certain disease is accomplished", and after
that level has been reached, it disconnects itself automatically. Continual transfer of a certain
element out of the powerful global energies that would be suitable for the curing of a particular
disease would not be possible without the Connective Energy #1.
While creating the connective energies, the Creator gave them certain capacities that can be
used efficiently for the assistance in the development of the human civilization. You got the
gist of the transfer of Christ energy or some other global energy through the Connective
Energy #1. It functions continually until the healing takes place, but it works in impulses, at the
moment when there is a need for it. The great assistance you can obtain from the connective
energy is the transfer of certain energies, above all, the global ones, but other energies, too.
Some of these energies are known to humans: heating energy, electric energy, or other
energies that can be transferred to the consumer.
The activity of the Connective Energy #1 concerning the transfer of the heating energy is
possible in principal, but it does not come form the heating sources such as the sun or some
warm inanimate matter or anything else. It is transferred from the global energies within the
universe. The heating takes place as it transforms within the global energy, and then the
heating energy is transferred through the Connective Energy #1 to the consumer. This way of
transferring is very simple, but you do not have the capacity to actualize it yet.
This capacity is very important because it will solve certain problems people have with heating
their homes, so it is necessary for us to reestablish a contact after six to nine months, again in
meditation, so that you can actualize it yourself.
Concerning the transfer of the electric energy, it is done in an identical way as the heating
energy, and you will be given the information about this in six to nine months.
This assisting feature of the Connective Energy #1 can be used on a wider scale, but its
actualization is somewhat more complex, and you will be given information in regards to this
later on.
These features of the Connective Energy will attract most of attention among people, because
they will find it most interesting and because it is the most attractive one to them, although it is
only one of many capacities of the Connective Energies, the hierarchy of which is hard to
discus. One of the features of the Connective Energy deals with the transfer of energies from one energy field to another on a great scale, which can lead to certain global transformation
and the humans as well as the earth's aura are interested in it. The ways and realization of
these activities of the Connective Energy #1 will be explained to you in the following months
when you gain more experience regarding its use.

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